Thursday, 12 September 2013
Top 3 Drama actress crushes
What? Only three? But you had a top 10 for the guys!
Yes, I know, my sense of symmetry is offended and I really want to give the girls equal treatment but the truth is that there are only three actresses for whom I'd check the dramas they star in.
By the way, it's not on purpose that there are a Japanese, a Korean and a Taiwanese.
The absolute number 1 is, funny enough, the other half of Buzzer beat.
1- 北川景子 (きたがわ けいこ) Kitagawa Keiko
Born in 1986.
Lead in Buzzer Beat, Akumu-chan.
2- 하지원 Ha Ji Won
Born in 1978.
Lead in Secret Garden.
(Wow! so weird to see her with long hair!)
3- 陳意涵 (陈意涵) Ivy Chen
Born in 1982.
Lead in Skip beat!.
Top 10 Drama actors Crushes
So, let's get full-on, unabashedly superficial!
But, first, because we have to do this seriously, a definition of « crushes » for the purpose of this post. Basically, all leads in drama are handsome but for reasons, some appeal to me more and make me want to check out (but not always watch in their entirety) dramas in which they appear. These crushes are based on looks and on the characters portrayed. Obviously, I don't know them. Nor do I want to. In this case, fantasy is better.
Note: I chose pictures in which I could recognise the actor, based on what I know they look like in dramas.
Hum... no surprise for number One.
1- 山下智久 Yamashita Tomohisa.
Born in 1985.
Lead in Nobuta wo produce, Kurosagi, Buzzer beat, Proposal daisakusen, Summer nude. In his dramography, I haven’t watched Code blue past the 1st episode coz of serious real-life stuff like blood and grim surgeries. [Edit: since then, I've watched and reviewed Monsters, Algernon ni Hanataba wo and From 5 to 9, so yeah, he's still number 1, no contest].
This Google images search just killed my heart.
One hour later:
2- 郭品超 Dylan Kuo.
Born in 1977.
Lead in Prince + Princess 2 and Borrow your love.
Hayami Mokomichi
Born in 1984.
Lead in
Oh ! My girl !!!, Zettai Kareshi, Rebound. Also supporting in From 5 to 9.
4- 藤木直人 Fujiki Naohito.
Born in 1972.
Lead in Hotaru no Hikari, supporting in Proposal daisakusen.
So nice and earnest.
5- 敖犬 Ao Quan
Born in 1982.
Lead in Brown Sugar macchiato and only guest in The legend of Brown sugar chevalries :(.
I like his features (especially his ears! :) ) and his character is fun.
6- 주원 Joo Won.
Born in 1987.
Lead in Bridal Mask (Gaksital). Based on one drama but I plan to watch more of him. [Edit: since I've wrote this post, he's played the same role as the next one on this list. Lead in Nae Il's Cantabile. Is it random or do I have a type lol ?] So intense.
Wow, it was weird to see him cheerful in the results of my Googling!
7- 玉木宏 Tamaki Hiroshi.
Born in 1980.
Lead in Nodame Cantabile and Love shuffle.
8- Mike He.
Born in 1983.
Lead in Love contract, Devil besides you (DNF) and Love keeps going (DNF), guest in 1 episode of Yukan club. As you see, it's because of Love contract, because he was quite terrible in Love keeps going. I couldn't get into Devil besides you but he was okay in that.
9- 고수 Go Soo
Lead in Marrying a millionnaire.
10- Jimmy Lin.
Born in 1974.
Lead in My Lucky Star. He's on the list based on this drama I watched years ago so it really left me an impression. After rewatching and reviewing it for this blog... yeah, he belongs on this list.
Honorary :
(I've had a crush on you but I won't watch a drama because you starred in it.)
- 吳尊 Wu Chun
Born in 1979.
Lead in Romantic Princess and Hana Kimi taïwanais (DNF).
After I started watching Hana Kimi, I got this weird impression that he looks like my brother (He does not !) and got creeped out.
- 김범 Kim Bum
Born in 1989.
Supporting in Boys over Flowers.
(I've had a crush on you but I won't watch a drama because you starred in it.)
- 吳尊 Wu Chun
Born in 1979.
Lead in Romantic Princess and Hana Kimi taïwanais (DNF).
After I started watching Hana Kimi, I got this weird impression that he looks like my brother (He does not !) and got creeped out.
- 김범 Kim Bum
Born in 1989.
Supporting in Boys over Flowers.
And this guy: 고주원 Go Joo Won
Born in 1981.
He isn't in any dramas I've watched but coming across these pictures when I was searching for Joo Won makes me want to check them out.
2020 June 16th edit : I changed this list in order to remove an actor I used to like, since his turn in Capital Scandal, one of my early fav dramas. Even his terrible hairstyle in the last part of Coffee House couldn't turn me off. But I just found out he has been convicted of sexual assault so... yeah, now he's just awful and disgusting.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
This is where I will group together some pieces about thoughts I have about dramas. They won't be deep and comprehensive theses but some thoughts I will write down when I have time.
The subjects will be for example a comparison between Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese dramas or the prudery of dramas (the way they deal with sex is really different from Western TV).
Update: OK, maybe I was too ambitious...
But here are two blog posts from the same person, mostly about Boys over flowers. If you seriously believe it is the best TV series ever, do not read. If you have a sense of humor about it, go on:
1- "My secret shame", from The Importance of Being Alix, August 18, 2011.
Here is the beginning of the post:
An extract:
The subjects will be for example a comparison between Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese dramas or the prudery of dramas (the way they deal with sex is really different from Western TV).
Update: OK, maybe I was too ambitious...
But here are two blog posts from the same person, mostly about Boys over flowers. If you seriously believe it is the best TV series ever, do not read. If you have a sense of humor about it, go on:
1- "My secret shame", from The Importance of Being Alix, August 18, 2011.
Here is the beginning of the post:
"I have an addiction. It crept up on me... I saw some friends doing it, and it seemed harmless enough. I thought I'd try it just once to see what the fuss was about, and then before I could realize what was happening, it had taken over me. I tried to stop, but I only went through withdrawal. Obsessed, I kept asking friends where I could get my next hit from. I even tried to convince other people to try it, when hours of my own life were missing. What's my drug of choice?2- "Netflix Fix: Boys Over Flowers", from Forever Young Adult, October 4, 2012
I am a Korean Drama addict."
An extract:
"This adaptation of the hit manga series follows the exact same plot of every other Korean drama! Unassuming high school student Jan Di enrolls at a fancy Korean prep school lorded over by four douchey rich kids -- Hairsuit, Blondie McBlonderson, Ceramics, and Mafia.* The ringleader of this group, Hairsuit, is an incredibly spoiled (but misunderstood! always misunderstood!) sociopath who decides it would be fun to torture Jan Di for a little bit. Then, when she roundhouse kicks him to the face, he deludes himself into thinking she is secretly in love with him and does things like order his security detail to kidnap, chloroform, and makeover Jan Di into his new girlfriend."
Japanese title: 悪夢ちゃん
Aired on NTV
From October to December 2012
11 episodes
(A movie seems to be planned for 2014).
Main cast:
Update: Akumu-chan The Movie is to be released on May 2014.
Review: + !
Title: Akumu-chan is the nickname that Girl gives to a little girl who has predictive nighmares (akuma = bad dreams).
Girl: She's an elementary school teacher and pretends to be smiling all the time even though it's all fake. Her character is different from all the naturally nice girls in drama and the evolution of her character is really interesting. I love her (but I love Kitagawa Keiko).
Boy: He's a scientist and his true intentions are never clear. I was confused by his character who was nice but also slightly creepy. Maybe I would've been more interested in him with a different actor.
Plot: There is romance in this drama but it's in the backseat. The real stories are the story of Girl and also the stories of her pupils. One episode typically revolves around a pupil's problems and Little girl's dreams about it. There are interpretations of symbols in the dream and the stories are varied so it's really compelling. It's also slightly creepy and... really NTV? This is not a family drama. Though the mediocre special effects aren't scary, the themes can be disturbing for kids. The nighmares are really nighmares: there is physical and (more unsettling) emotional violence committed by children and/or on children. For grown-ups however, no problem.
Other characters: Little girl! So, so cute!! Can I adopt her (legally)?The other school teachers are typical comic reliefs. The nurse starts off weird but she becomes a real character later on.
Funny factor? See other characters.
Music: Serviceable.
Bottom line: At first, I stayed for the stand alone stories and the enigma of what these dreams are about. Then, I got engrossed in Girl's story as well. Though the finale was grandiloquent, I was impressed by how the stories told managed to make sense (I mean, once you've accepted that you can watch dreams in a TV). In the end, a + without question.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Coffee House
Korean title: 커피하우스

From 2010 May to July
18 episodes
Main cast:
Hello Grandmother from Full House!
Review: Maybe a +? a +/- ?AND SPOILERS
Title: Coffee house. There is a coffee library owned by Girl and they talk about coffee. That's still random because it's not a plot point and they don't spend that much time in coffee houses. At least similarly titled Coffee Prince made sense.
Boy: He's a famous writer with odd habits. He hates promoting, doesn't own a mobile phone and just disappears when he feels like it.
Girl: She is Boy's publisher but also his friend of 10 years. She's likable. She has her own mind, she's vulnerable but not weak.
Girl: She is Boy's assistant. She is 25 years old at the beginning but she moves and behaves more like a child or a puppy. She's likable because you can't hate puppies. Boy is kind of abusive to her in their work relationships in that he berates her. I guess it is not as disturbing as it should be because Girl actually takes his words as advice to progress. In real life, her self-esteem would be crushed but hey! it's a drama.
Other boy: also known as Jackass Stalker. Girl's former boyfriend who had an affair. Yes, he is a cheater too. She dumped him and doesn't want to see his face but Jackass Stalker is persistent. And annoying. To the characters and to me. He gets humanised and bearable but it takes many épisodes. It's never really clear why he considers himself a friend of Boy who clearly doesn't like him. I guess he's delusional too.
Relationships: I have to say, I wasn't invested in the relationships but I was still looking forward to the next episode so something was right.
I wasn't invested because the drama takes several episode to hint at romance, some motivations are unclear or don't really make sense. I also wished for more flashbacks to have the full picture of what happened between some characters. Finally, there's another reason but I'll discuss it after the jump.
Other characters: Other other boy is interesting though saddled with an unnecessary development in the last part of the drama. Typical drama family for Girl but not annoying like it is in other dramas. Also, Girl's employees at her publishing company and at the coffee library.
Funny factor? Yes! Actually, the first episodes are more comedy than romance and I loved a 1st ep scene involving an outline and a glass of champagne. Comedy comes from various sources but mostly via embarrassing situations and Boy playing Girl who can be quite dense.
Music: As usual in Korean dramas, it's good.
What the? (it's a new category: random things that makes no sense) Boy studied medecine? Why? It's so random and it increases the mystery of how Boy and Other Boy got to know each other since Other boy definitely didn't study medecine (probably business or stalking).
Bottom line: It's the first time I'm not sure of a grade at the end of a drama. I know it should be a + because the comedy is quite good, compared to other dramas, and you want to know what's next, characters are interesting and evolve (though making it happen off screen is easy) and it plays on our expectations. But in the end, it plays too much on our expectations and it wasn't satisfying so I want to +/-.
To discuss it, let's head to the spoiler space after the jump.
Normally, I would say "do not proceed" but I was myself actually happy that I had been slightly spoiled before watching it. Had I not been, I would have felt stronger discontent. Anyway, you read this review, you might have noticed there is something different, that's because the drama tries something different. Now you can watch the drama with adjusted expectations.
OK, now, seriously, do not proceed if you haven't watch it. When you do, come back to vent or to defend the drama choices. I want to do both.
Monday, 2 September 2013
Hotaru the Movie
Japanese title: 映画 ホタルノヒカリ
Other title: It's only a little light in my life
Release date: June 2012
A movie (after 2 TV seasons)
Main cast:
- Ayase Haruka: Takano Hotaru
- Fujiki Naohito: Takano Seiichi
- Matsuyuki Yasuko: Saeki Rio
- Tegoshi Yuya: Saeki Yu
- Itaya Yuka: Futatsugi Sachiko
- Yasuda Ken: Futatsugi Shoji
- Information was taken from Asianwiki.
- The movie was shot on location in Italy and now... I want to go to Rome ASAP.
- I watched it some hours ago so I still have feelings.
- I Fav the first TV season.
Review: - (but WTH is closer to my feelings right now.)
Girl: I don't know what to do with Hotaru. She's a very excessive, quirky character. It worked in the first season but it just felt too much in the second season and in the movie. I actually disliked her in the movie. Girl doesn't want to do anything except lazing around, not even going to Rome with her husband. And it isn't counterbalanced by her efficient self at work. Secondly, and it's a huge problem for me, it also plagued the second season of the drama, well... I'll talk about it in the "Relationship" part of the review. In fairness, Girl also does her dumb but earnest actions, only it's too late.
Boy: He's perfect. So perfect that I want to scream: "Leave her. At least, tell her off. She's so annoying."
Relationship: Boy and Girl are together, they are married in the movie, and supposedly so have been for two years. Yet, (spoiler for the great 1st season -underline to see:) she still calls him "Boss" (Buchou). I can deal with that, that's like "Darling" for them.
But Girl freaks out when she finds out that they're going to sleep in the same bed in the same hotel room. And this is their honeymoon. And she's 29. For anyone who has seen season one, it's even more stupid (spoiler for 1st season: (since she lived for some time in a tiny apartment with her then-boyfriend and there was only one bed).
Moreover, their relationship looks unbalanced: Girl hasn't changed at all in all these years and doesn't seem to bring anything to the relation whereas Boy has adopted some of her quirks and always puts up with her. She loves him because he's perfect (how could you not?) and he loves her... I'm not sure why... because she's nice to him after she thought he was dead?
Plot: It's a mess. Like in drama specials, the movie introduces new characters whose stories echoes the main characters'. It usually isn't subtle. But the movie goes further trying to discuss the meaning of life. It's clumsily hammered and I'm not convinced. This happens after shenanigans involving mysterious suitcases, suspicious white powder, Mafia kidnappings, dancing to 'I will survive", a roundabout of hell, ruining a dress, hijacking someone's party... You get the picture.
Funny factor: Hits and misses. Some scènes are genuinely funny: in the airplane, each one involving the other Girl and Girl... Others are totally ridiculous. I can find dumb jokes funny (Exhibit A: I Fav Brown Sugar Macchiato. Exhibit B: I watched all episodes of Anna-san no Omame and Mendol Ikemen Idol) but these ones feel out of place. Over-the-top dancing scene which almost ruined the actor in my mind, I'm talking to you. To end on a good note, I loved the credits' banter-over.
Music: Continuity with the drama.
Bottom line: I'm so disappointed. You know how they say it's a good thing we don't know what happens after they get married in a fairytale. I kind of wish I hadn't seen what happens after the first season. It almost makes me question the coupling of these two characters. I still feel they could be great together... but not like that. I didn't talk much about the plot of the movie because it's thin and just a pretext. Minus.
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