Wednesday 11 September 2013


This is where I will group together some pieces about thoughts I have about dramas. They won't be deep and comprehensive theses but some thoughts I will write down when I have time.
The subjects will be for example a comparison between Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese dramas or the prudery of dramas (the way they deal with sex is really different from Western TV).

Update: OK, maybe I was too ambitious...

But here are two blog posts from the same person, mostly about Boys over flowers. If you seriously believe it is the best TV series ever, do not read. If you have a sense of humor about it, go on:

1- "My secret shame", from The Importance of Being Alix, August 18, 2011.
Here is the beginning of the post:
"I have an addiction. It crept up on me... I saw some friends doing it, and it seemed harmless enough. I thought I'd try it just once to see what the fuss was about, and then before I could realize what was happening, it had taken over me. I tried to stop, but I only went through withdrawal. Obsessed, I kept asking friends where I could get my next hit from. I even tried to convince other people to try it, when hours of my own life were missing. What's my drug of choice?

I am a Korean Drama addict."
2- "Netflix Fix: Boys Over Flowers", from Forever Young Adult, October 4, 2012
An extract:
"This adaptation of the hit manga series follows the exact same plot of every other Korean drama! Unassuming high school student Jan Di enrolls at a fancy Korean prep school lorded over by four douchey rich kids -- Hairsuit, Blondie McBlonderson, Ceramics, and Mafia.* The ringleader of this group, Hairsuit, is an incredibly spoiled (but misunderstood! always misunderstood!) sociopath who decides it would be fun to torture Jan Di for a little bit. Then, when she roundhouse kicks him to the face, he deludes himself into thinking she is secretly in love with him and does things like order his security detail to kidnap, chloroform, and makeover Jan Di into his new girlfriend."

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